Mari Carmen Guillen Torregrosa High jump 2ª Javelin throw 2ª Alvaro Olmos González 800 m. 2º Rosalía Tárraga Sánchez 800 m. 1ª Atanasio Picazo Gómez 400 m.v. 3er
It could not finish the season better than with the two milestones that were achieved yesterday in Valencia. On the one hand, our men’s handball team, which for the first time reached an autonomic final, and after losing all the game, managed to tie to go to overtime against the seasoned team of the University [...]
Very good results of our Judo team at the CADU held last Saturday 18th at the UCV. The UMH has obtained the SECOND POSITION by Universities. Category <70, Mariví Serrano González – GOLD Medal Category <81, Hugo Gebellín Alfonso – SILVER Medal Category> 100, Carlos Aranguiz González – SILVER … Category <90, Pedro Mula Vidal – BRONZE Medal Category <57, Natalia [...]
El Hocine Bouchrak, student UMH of Degree in Informatics Engineering in Information Technologies, has obtained the SILVER medal in the male category. CLASIFICACION FINAL UNIVERSIDADES CLASIFICACION_FEMENINA_UNIVERSIDADELCHE CLASIFICACION_MASCULINA_UNIVERSIDADELCHE Follow it here live:
TR FSala Elche – Final: “Villalobos Team” 3 – “Arsenal de Botellines Team” 1.