Yesterday took place at the Center for Sports Research Campus of Elche University Miguel Hernandez, delivery by the rector of the UMH, Jesús Pastor Ciurana, the diplomas of membership UMH Sports Promises Program each year gives high school students under sporting merit and academic curriculum. The ceremony was also attended by the Vice Rector for Student...
Dare to participate in all sports activities offered UMH such as Acrobacias, Aeróbic y Step, Aikido, Aula 60+, Autoprotección, Break-Dance, Boxeo, Cardio-Box, Ciclo Indoor, Danza del Vientre, MitzuRyu, Ninjutsu, Pilates, Salsa y Bachata, Systema Ruso, TBC-GAP, Tonificación, Total Training, TRX, Yogilates, and UMH Zumba, signing up through our blog . You can also come to our Cardio fitness...
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CC AIDEA LA208 TRIATLON CENAFE Escuelas Técnico Deportivo Fútbol ARENA Playa San Juan Kordino Naturaleza Convenio de colaboración con FEMECV
Documento of resolution CEU 2016
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