We start new quarter in the Directed Activities of the UMH and for that reason we remind you that from April 1 to 5 you can try for free all the classes that are taught in the Sports Palace of Elche, as well as in the Sant Joan Sports Center d’Alacant. We add new classes to [...]
Primero inscribirse aquí (si no lo has hecho) Formulario inscripción equipos UMH Pádel: lunes 8 octubre a las 16.00 en las pistas de El Clot. Voley masculino y femenino: jueves 4 de octubre a las 10.00 en el Palau Esports UMH. Fútbol Sala masculino: miércoles 3 de octubre a las 17.00 en la pista exterior 1 junto a [...]
Competes with the UMH in the marathon cadu. Sign up through September 30 Registration
CADU/CEU https://deportes.umh.es/competiciones/formulario-inscripcion-competiciones-interuniversitarias-cadu-y-ceu/ The tournament is the competition Rector community dispute Miguel Hernández University. It develops along the academic year modalities individual and team sports. May take part, all those who prove to be students of the University Miguel Hernández, either Bachelor or any of the cycles of Bachelor, Master and PhD qualifications taught at the UMH, as well [...]
We are already in the third quarter and we wanted to inform you that the first week of April is open for all users who want to come and try different activities. The activities are done in the sports hall and we have a wide schedule that you can see here. We are waiting for [...]
We have just celebrated at the UPV the CADU de Escalada in which our students Miguel Brugarolas Navarro, Adrián Camarena Gregori, Andrés Costa Marino, Pablo García Azorín, Matthias Gathmann, Miriam Marín Quiles, Sergio Martínez Guijarro, Alejandra Martínez Martínez, Enrique Velasco Serna and Pia Wagner