Primero inscribirse aquí (si no lo has hecho) Formulario inscripción equipos UMH Pádel: lunes 8 octubre a las 16.00 en las pistas de El Clot. Voley masculino y femenino: jueves 4 de octubre a las 10.00 en el Palau Esports UMH. Fútbol Sala masculino: miércoles 3 de octubre a las 17.00 en la pista exterior 1 junto a [...]
Our men’s handball team brought the gold medal in the CADU final. The female, meanwhile, won the silver medal as did our mixed tennis team. Congratulations!
CADU/CEU The tournament is the competition Rector community dispute Miguel Hernández University. It develops along the academic year modalities individual and team sports. May take part, all those who prove to be students of the University Miguel Hernández, either Bachelor or any of the cycles of Bachelor, Master and PhD qualifications taught at the UMH, as well [...]
[ 1 March, 2018; ] Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish and Catalan.