Score and photos of our riders in Valencia

The test was developed in the Turia riverbed in the stretch that runs between the bridges and San Jose Ademuz. The sporting event which inaugurated the regional championships of college sports brought together over 150 academics between the two categories: male and female. With a total of 4 laps of a circuit of 1,500 m, 6,000 m runners performed to complete the test.

In the women’s athlete of the UV, Andrea Salvador Pascual crossed the finish line in first place ahead of Laura Garcia (University Jaume I) and Cristina Juan (University of Alicante). Ana March (UV) cuarta.En ending men’s Athlete of the UV Alberto Lopez finished second only surpassed by Guillem Adell (Univ. Jaume I). Completed the podium Javier Colomer (UPV).