The Triathlon Club Ilicitano organized the first edition of Elche School Duathlon, which was the first test of about 20 that make up the calendar of sports games of the Valencian Community. The facilities of the University Miguel Hernandez welcomed young athletes from Almoradí to Vinarós, from all autonomous schools and clubs. There were categories...
The Ryder Cup of Golf I between UMH and AU decanted Alicante side not without battle by our team. Next year we can not fail and will certainly bring it to us and to Elche. Our rector picked up the trophy for our team. Click here for all couples and individual results (only the page...
School Games Valencia move this weekend to our campus to compete in the Duathlon Elche School 2011. The categories and distances will be these: CARRERA 1 BICICLETA CARRERA 2 PRE-BENJAMIN 250 1.000 125 BENJAMÍN 500 2.000 250 ALEVÍN 1.000 4.000 500 INFANTÍL 2000 8.000 1000 CADETE 3000 10.000 1.500 These are the tours. The...
The next Wednesday, November 16, will be held in Elche, organized by the U. Miguel Hernandez, the 1st Day of concentration patterns Rugby Football 7 and 7 Women. Games will be held at the Ciudad Deportiva de Elche, in the fields 2 and 3, the Football 7, and on the rugby field Amorós Palao Rugby 7.
Sports Managment Unit starts updating of the languages used in its web page. From now on you can get the basic information in Spanish, Valencian, English, and short term will translate all content of this portal. Thus, the UGD, meets one of the basic objectives of the university, as is to provide information to users...
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Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
Si estás interesado en participar y eres federado, apúntate mandando un correo electrónico a , hay un límite de 12 jugadores. Consulta pinchando aquí las bases de la I RYDER CUP UA VS UMH
Ayer se disputó la 1ª jornada del Campeonato Autonómico CADU. La UMH recibió en casa a los equipos masculinos y femeninos de balonmano y voley, y al equipo de rugby masculino, todos de la Universidad Polécnica de Valencia con este balance: Rugby 5-12; Balonmano fem 29-35; Balonmano mas 30-28; Voley fem 0-3; Voley mas 0-3. La...