The day is celebrated on February 28 in the sports facilities of the Polytechnic University of Valencia CADU team final. Representing the University Miguel Hernandez, and waiting for the official publication of the rankings by the University Jaume I of Castellón, Secretary of the competition, may be in the final men's Basketball teams, women's soccer...
On Wednesday 13 February the first competitions were held autonomous individual sports with the sports of table tennis, cross country, swimming and ball Valencia. The UMH presented participants in all forms and the most important results were: The girls were swimming great results, with silver in 50 breaststroke and 50 butterfly bronze for Adela Bernabéu,...
On Thursday 7 and Monday, February 11 was held the 6th day of the championship autonomous universities. UMH teams faced in this journey to the Catholic University of Valencia, UCV. The results of the teams who acted as local UMH, were as follows: Men's Basketball (91-58), Women's Basketball (55-76), Women's Futsal (10-3), male Futsal (3-5)...
CALENDAR_1º TRIM_2013 Contact: WEB→ E-mail→ Facebook → grupokordino ...
¿Are you interested in learning how to create Web pages with Google Sites?. Google Sites is a Google application that allows us to build a website easily and intuitively. Google Sites is a tool that is part of Google Apps, a suite of tools "online" free that facilitate and enhance communication and collaborative work....
Live and learn from a professional perspective basic and advanced techniques of inline skating, the introduction to the sports classic and emerging, as well as a guided discovery of the values of healthy workout on skates. The course comprises two modules: -Module 1. Introduction to Skating -Module 2. Track and Street Skating For more info...
The final result of all sports does not reflect the reality of what us gave us all modes. The UA UA won the I-UMH PAS and PDI by a score of 6-1. Football games, soccer, basketball, men's tennis, men's and women paddle and squash were uneventful, in an atmosphere of camaraderie and brotherhood Total worth relations...
On Tuesday, December 4, 2012, took place the 4th day of the Regional Championship of Universities. For teams of the University Miguel Hernandez was his second day, and they faced the Universitat de València General Studies. In local meetings, the teams won their matches Men's Basketball (78-76) and the Futsal Women (4-1), two of the...
The 16th of December in the DUATCROSS Elche ELX 2012. The basic data of the test you can see on this information. All students interested in working with the organization in exchange for elective credits may contact the personnel manager in the mail competition. This test will also serve as a charity event, as...