We remind you that you can already make reservations for the entire holiday period, from December 24 until January 4. The schedule for this Christmas period will be: Campus de Elche: Palau: Monday to Saturday 15h to 23h, except eve of holidays: 8am to 15pm (24th and 31st). Here the BMX track and skating are...
You can access the registration on YYMM for the Second Quarter, whose practice will start from January 7: https://sites.google.com/site/actividadespalau/home
The UMH leveled against UA in the biennial Ryder Cup, held at Alenda Golf on Saturday 30 November. The cold was star of the day that passed with interesting encounters which highlighted our rector, who won his game and, as captain, organized the outputs of our couples. 11 participants per university, cordial atmosphere and rivalry,...
We remind you that you can now sign up at the following Sport Management practical workshop to be held on 12 and 13 December, afternoon, and whose fee is 25 € for the university community. Info in https://deportes.umh.es/cursos/cursos-de-la-unidad-de-gestion-deportiva/talleres-de-gestion-deportiva/
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Competicion Local Marcador Visitante Fecha Rugby Masculino CADU UMH 7 : 46 UPV 29/10/2013 Voleibol Femenino CADU UMH 0 : 3 UPV 29/10/2013 Baloncesto Femenino CADU UPV 96 : 46 UMH 29/10/2013 Voleibol Masculino CADU UMH 0 : 3 UPV 29/10/2013 Baloncesto Masculino CADU UPV 74 : 82 UMH 29/10/2013 Balonmano Femenino CADU UMH...
Info: http://carrerazombies.blogspot.com.es/p/informacion.html Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carrerazombies.elche Twitter: https://twitter.com/Zombies_Elx
This course, Sports Management Unit has implemented training in the field of sports management, focusing its target in the crowd of students of Physical Activity Sciences and Sports, as well as of law, which would guide its future work in this field. Have been proposed, initially, 4 courses or workshops, at an affordable price, 25...