We opened new activities at the Universidad Miguel Hernández de San Juan for the third quarter, beginning in April. All users can attend either university or not and the first week will be open for people to try the activities and different schedules we offer. For more information send an email to . The schedules...
Our students participating in the CEU de Campo a Través, held at the UCAM: Rosalía Tárraga Sánchez, Lidia Lozano Bernal, Francisco Rodríguez Alfaro, El Hocine Bouchrak Bouchrak, Atanasio Picazo Gómez, Luis Pérez Alcaraz, Eva Polo González y María José Navarro Salinas. Resultados
Our students at the CADU Karate: Lorena Sureda SILVER Cantos in Kumite Promotion, Ana José Sánchez Valero BRONZE in Kumite Promotion, José María Sánchez Prieto BRONZE in Kumite -75Kg, Cristina Martínez Gutiérrez and Alejandro Benedicto Jiménez
Sí ets alumne de doctorat en esport i salut (casoc), graduat o graduada en ciències de l'activitat física i de l'esport, llicenciat en ciències de l'activitat física i de l'esport, màster en alt rendiment esportiu (casoc) o màster universitari en rendiment esportiu i salut l'Oficina Ambiental de la Universitat Miguel Hernández (UMH) d'Elx està esperant...
It could not finish the season better than with the two milestones that were achieved yesterday in Valencia. On the one hand, our men's handball team, which for the first time reached an autonomic final, and after losing all the game, managed to tie to go to overtime against the seasoned team of the University...
The final of the CADU live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40D2XDsCahw
This Wednesday, March 8 to commemorate International Women's Day, the Sports Pavilion of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche opens its doors free of charge to all women who want to participate in the activities. In addition to participating in the activities, all attendees will enter into a sweepstakes of institutional sportswear. We will wait...