On Friday October 21 was held the annual Welcome Party of our University, where the Sports Bureau was responsible for the opening. Dances, contests and fun were the stars of the sporting activities that took place. We thank all participants, and invite them to continue to participate in sports activities offered by the University Miguel Hernandez to [...]
Participates as a volunteer in Santa Pola Half Marathon 2017 to be held on Sunday 22 January, 2017. If you are interested in participating, please contact the Athletics Club SANTA POLA . You will be informed of all the details, timetables and specific tasks. The tasks you can participate are: antidoping control: • Accompaniment elite athletes (required knowledge of [...]
Location: Centro Excursionista de Elche Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, from 11:00 to 14:00 Pay 5 € to CEE
Registration CADU-CEU
Friday, September 29 15.30 h.
Come and try for free the guided activities from 3 to 8 October in the sports hall of the UMH. You can enter all the targeted classes on the schedule you want more information here. The academic year begins playing sports with us. WE WILL WAIT FOR YOU!
REGISTRATIONS https://deportes.umh.es/competiciones/formulario-inscripcion-competiciones-interuniversitarias-cadu-y-ceu/