On November 27, at 16h, 7 Classroom Building I of the campus of St. John, will be the course of introduction to Orientation. Registration is open to all kinds of people, whether or not the UMH, and is free. The course shall, in addition, how can you compete with the university in different competitions and activities [...]
On December 3, at 19h, in the room of the first floor of the Helike building will take place Beginners’ Orienteering Course. Registration is open to all kinds of people, whether or not the UMH, and is free. The course shall, in addition, how can you compete with the university in different competitions and activities developed [...]
Convenio – Conveni – Agreement
Among the green mountains and beaches Cantabrian city of Santander University pioneered the Championship of Spain of Guidance, which was held on the 28th, 29th and April 30th. The bad weather did not let our riders, who had to deal with a very muddy terrain and incessant rain. The wonderful places in the vicinity of [...]
Due to the orientation celabración Sprint Championship on the campus of Elche de la UMH, will hold an introductory course to the guidance aimed at those who want to learn this sport and learn the basic techniques of counseling. Attendees will also practice on the test to be held on Saturday May 5th. The course will [...]
The Guidance team has obtained a magnificent UMH second in the CADU held last 4/4/12 at Titaguas and Tuéjar (Valencia). The first place went to the Polytechnic University of Valencia and in second place was the UMH, ahead of the University Jaume I, who was third in the standings. In individual is to highlight a great 4th place runner at the UMH Sergio LopezMarco.
Iniciación al Deporte de Orientación – UMH Dirigido a aquellos que quieran iniciarse en este deporte y conocer las técnicas básicas de orientación. El curso será impartido por los miembros del equipo de Orientación de la UMH. Si quieres formar parte de él, ven a conocerlo. Tendrá lugar en el Centro de Formación del Deporte del Palau d`Esports UMH [...]
Ya puedes rellenar el formulario de inscripción para ambas competiciones, las internas y las externas. Pincha aquí, rellena el formulario, envíanoslo y recibirás la confirmación a tu inscripción. Toda la información sobre las competiciones, plazos de inscripción, enlaces a las aplicaciones umh, calendarios, resultados anteriores, modalidades deportivas, etc, la puedes obtener pinchando aquí.
La Universidad de Extremadura organizó en Mérida con éxito el CEU de Orientación 2011.