Most victories in the 7th game of the season CADU We just have to mourn the losses of the boys Volleyball and Football 11. Received a 3-0 male volleyball team in Valencia, the football team played 11 home and addedthe second straight loss, 3-0. Other teams that participated in the 7 th day CADU won with comfortable and good game results. Men’s handball team defeated UJI home with an advantage in the score of 2 goals, 27-29. Consolidating second place in the classification of CADU League with 5 wins and one loss, 2 points of the first classified (AU). Handball girls reach the final of the League CADU adding one more win, 5 wins and one defeat. In the 7 th day won by [...]
With perfect record at home to the UCV. Volleyball teams won male and female “3-2” to the Catholic University of Valencia.Rugby men beat “34-30”. Futsal female, 11 male and soccer traveled to Valencia and did not get very good results. Male Futsal tied “4-4”, the girls lost by one goal at the last moment “8-7” and the boys soccer 6 goals 11 men fell into place and left of goal without beating “0-6”.
Enter this shuttle Youtube and enjoy the new promotional video of the Sport Management Unit for the activities of Palau UMH:
Handball teams of men and women won their matches yesterday at home against UVEG. The male handball on goal difference, 28-27, while the female handball rid of the visitor by a wide margin of more than 10 points. For its part, the Rugby´s men lost at Palao Amorós while volleyball teams saw how escaped their meetings, [...]
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Ayer se disputó la 1ª jornada del Campeonato Autonómico CADU. La UMH recibió en casa a los equipos masculinos y femeninos de balonmano y voley, y al equipo de rugby masculino, todos de la Universidad Polécnica de Valencia con este balance: Rugby 5-12; Balonmano fem 29-35; Balonmano mas 30-28; Voley fem 0-3; Voley mas 0-3. La sorpresa se [...]
Las listas de fútbol sala, baloncesto, voley, etc, ya las puedes consultar en la aplicación web de la umh para el campeonato autonómico.
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Calendario oficial de la Liga CADU en la modalidad de Deportes de Equipo. Los deportes individuales se concretarán, en fechas y sedes, el próximo septiembre. La novedad más importante es que se ha pasado de un sistema de concentración de un solo día para el Rugby y Fútbol 7 femeninos, a un sistema de 3 concentraciones, [...]
Tan solo el balonmano masculino, el rugby masculino y el fútbol masculino perdieron sus respectivos encuentros contra la Universidad de Castellón ayer en la 7ª y última jornada de la Liga regular del Campeonato Autonómico Universitario CADU. Hay que señalar que el voley femenino, a pesar de haber ganado todos los partidos menos uno, contra la [...]