Alejandro Benedicto Jiménez, in the category of + 84kg, gold medal in the Spanish University Karate Championships held this Saturday at the facilities of the Sant Joan sports center and organized by the UMH. José María Sánchez Prieto stayed at the gates of the medal in the fourth place in the category of -67 kg. Congratulations to [...]
You can already see how the competition will be held tomorrow at the Sports Center of Sant Joan d’Alacant and organized by the Miguel Hernández University. Click on this link.
We start new quarter in the Directed Activities of the UMH and for that reason we remind you that from April 1 to 5 you can try for free all the classes that are taught in the Sports Palace of Elche, as well as in the Sant Joan Sports Center d’Alacant. We add new classes to [...]
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Memoria CADU Frontenis 2018-2019 Memoria CADU KÁRATE 2018-2019 Memoria CADU Bádminton 2018-2019
We remind you that the first week of October at the UMH sports pavilion, and also at the San Juan Campus, you can come and try the activities directed for free. You can enter all classes at the time you want, more information here. WE WILL WAIT FOR YOU!