The test was developed in the Turia riverbed in the stretch that runs between the bridges and San Jose Ademuz. The sporting event which inaugurated the regional championships of college sports brought together over 150 academics between the two categories: male and female. With a total of 4 laps of a circuit of 1,500 m, [...]
With perfect record at home to the UCV. Volleyball teams won male and female “3-2” to the Catholic University of Valencia.Rugby men beat “34-30”. Futsal female, 11 male and soccer traveled to Valencia and did not get very good results. Male Futsal tied “4-4”, the girls lost by one goal at the last moment “8-7” and the boys soccer 6 goals 11 men fell into place and left of goal without beating “0-6”.
Handball teams of men and women won their matches yesterday at home against UVEG. The male handball on goal difference, 28-27, while the female handball rid of the visitor by a wide margin of more than 10 points. For its part, the Rugby´s men lost at Palao Amorós while volleyball teams saw how escaped their meetings, [...]
The concentration-time yesterday in Elche, the first of the three to be played this season, left a bittersweet taste in our women’s teams from football and rugby as both teams won their first game but lost the second. In addition, there were parallels between the two, since their first meeting ended with a tight result, while [...]
The next Wednesday, November 16, will be held in Elche, organized by the U. Miguel Hernandez, the 1st Day of concentration patterns Rugby Football 7 and 7 Women. Games will be held at the Ciudad Deportiva de Elche, in the fields 2 and 3, the Football 7, and on the rugby field Amorós Palao Rugby 7.
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Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
Si estás interesado en participar y eres federado, apúntate mandando un correo electrónico a , hay un límite de 12 jugadores. Consulta pinchando aquí las bases de la I RYDER CUP UA VS UMH
Ayer se disputó la 1ª jornada del Campeonato Autonómico CADU. La UMH recibió en casa a los equipos masculinos y femeninos de balonmano y voley, y al equipo de rugby masculino, todos de la Universidad Polécnica de Valencia con este balance: Rugby 5-12; Balonmano fem 29-35; Balonmano mas 30-28; Voley fem 0-3; Voley mas 0-3. La sorpresa se [...]