UMH has been ranked second in the CADU Athletics UJI Castellón held in the past 20 to April 21. Results CADU Athletics 2012
The Guidance team has obtained a magnificent UMH second in the CADU held last 4/4/12 at Titaguas and Tuéjar (Valencia). The first place went to the Polytechnic University of Valencia and in second place was the UMH, ahead of the University Jaume I, who was third in the standings. In individual is to highlight a great 4th place runner at the UMH Sergio LopezMarco.
Our athletes Laura Alvarez, Marco Peñalver, Alejandro Samaniego Villar and Laura are CADU 2012 Badminton champions in all categories in both singles and doubles and mixed doubles. In the form of women’s doubles gold medal won and Laura Laura AlvarezSamaniego, like Peñalver and Alexander Marco Villar in men’s doubles. Alejandro Samaniego Laura Villar and formed the mixed doubles champion pair. Marco Peñalver and Laura Alvarez also managed to be individual champions. More Photos on FACEBOOK …
Men Category: Gold, Antonio and Victor Perez Molla Women category: Silver, Eva and Ana Quiles. Mixed Category: Bronze, Alexander Flor y Susana. Universities: Silver. All info of results of the whole CADU in this link.
El Consejo Social de la UMH en su VII edición, entrega el Premio al Mejor Deportista Universitario 2010-2011. Juan Pedro espinosa entrenador del equipo de balonmano femenino fue el encargado de recoger el galardón en el edificio quórum de la UMH. Este premio es el reconocimiento a los largos días de entrenamiento, a las insufribles salidas en [...]
Handball teams have played yesterday UMH their regional final against Valencia UPV, the feminine and the masculine UA. The luck was mixed, while the girls won comfortably at the UPV by a margin of more than 15 goal lead, the boys saw how they missed a golden opportunity to get into the University Championships in Spain, [...]
Thanks to the efforts of volunteers who have participated in the organization of the Autonomous Championships Tennis, Table Tennis and Golf, Sports Management Unit of the UMH has been organizing these championships in the tennis club, Palau and the Alenda Golf respectively, in 2 days, 6 and 7 March. The three championships have taken place without [...]
[ 6 March, 2012 a 7 March, 2012. ]