[ 19 December, 2012; ]
On Tuesday, December 4, 2012, took place the 4th day of the Regional Championship of Universities. For teams of the University Miguel Hernandez was his second day, and they faced the Universitat de València General Studies. In local meetings, the teams won their matches Men’s Basketball (78-76) and the Futsal Women (4-1), two of the undefeated [...]
Cadu Marathon ended held last Sunday in Valencia on 18. Rafael Jesús López Mills Ranked 7th . Cadu Memorial Marathon 2012/2013
Thursday October 25 began the first day CADU 2012-2013. The UMH, with teams representing all modes, faced the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Received in his domains teams football and basketball, both male and female, and 11 male soccer team d. We obtained promising results in compelling and soccer teams, with 9-3 for girls and 5-3 for [...]
We have the program ‘Run the line´, ‘Tier Franjiverde’, ‘Dribble and Feint’, are mostly football programs. In`Run the line’ interviewing athletes of the UMH. There is another program ‘Kordino Group’ called ‘Stones, Peaks and Trails’.
[ 25 October, 2012; 10:00; ]
Join here the UMH Rugby Teams and the rest of teams
Again the UMH starts coming to this course, and is open the registration period for the Palau multidisciplinary activities of Palau with new modalities and provided consolidated (indoor cycling, pilates, etc). Competitions also have opened the selection process and registration, and you can sign up at the Internal Competitions on the website of the UMH internal competitions [...]
Once the season CADU is finished, you can see the memories of all regional championships to be held this year: MEMORIA_CADU_11-12_campo_traves1 MEMORIA_CADU_11-12_ORIENTACIÓN Memoria-AJEDREZ-CADU-2012 Memoria-CADU-escalada-11-12 MEMORIA-CADU-ESGRIMA-2012 Memoria-Tenis-de-mesa-CADU-2012 Memoria-PADEL-CADU-2012 Memoria-NATACIÓN-CADU-2012 Memoria-Golf-CADU-2012 Memoria-completa-CADU-UJI-Frontenis-2011-2012 Memoria-completa Badminton 2012 MEMORIA-CADU-VOLEY-PLAYA-2012 Memoria-CADU-UJI-Atletismo-2012-completa.doc_ MEMORIA-CADU-TRIATLÓN-UCV-2012 Memoria-CADU-Tiro-Arco-2012 Memoria-CADU-Taekwondo-2012-def MEMORIA-CADU-SQUASH2012 MEMORIA-CADU-PILOTA-VALENCIANA-20121 Memoria-CADU-maraton-2011-12.doc_ MEMORIA-CADU-KÁRATE2012 MEMORIA-CADU-ESGRIMA-2012
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