[ 29 October, 2013; ] Competition UMH - UPV Local Games: Handball fem and masc, Fem and Male Volleyball, Rugby masc Games visitors: Football, Futsal, Basketball fem and masc
DEPORTE CONVOCATORIA ENTRENAMIENTOS HORARIO INSTALACIÓN Fútbol 11 Masculino 1 Octubre (16:00 Campo el Clot) Martes y Jueves 16-18h Campo Fútbol – El Clot Fútbol 7 Femenino 3 Octubre (18:00 Campo el Clot) Jueves 18-20h Campo Fútbol – El Clot (Pista A) Baloncesto Masculino 3 Octubre (15:00h Palacio Deportes) Jueves 15-17h Pista B1 – Palacio Deportes Baloncesto Femenino 3 Octubre (15:00h Palacio Deportes) Martes 15-16:30h y Jueves 15-16:30h Pista B2 – Palacio Deportes Voleibol Masculino 26 Septiembre (17:00h Palacio Deportes) Martes 15-17h Pista B1- Palacio [...]
To join the female rugby team, fill in the form at the following link: Registration form
Final list of sport scholarships UMH
Provisional List of Scholarships Sports DAN UMH 2013
Congratulations to all the representatives of the University Miguel Hernandez for their participation in the regional championship athletics Universities 2013. Results athletics CADU
Annual announcement of scholarships for top athletes or elite who are students of the UMH. Click on this link for all the requirements of convocotaria: CVBDANUMH2013 Call for projects related to the 2013 Junior Classroom “Discover Science” aimed at UMH students to put them in place with young people between 12 and 17 during the month [...]
BADMINTON Men’s Singles: Alejandro Villar (gold) Single women: Laura Alvares (gold) Men’s Doubles: Marco Peñalver and Paul Frame (Gold) Women’s Doubles: Laura Samaniego and Laura Alvarez (gold) Mixed Doubles: Laura Samaniego and Alejandro Villar (gold) Adding also the gold medal team standings, a total of six gold medals for the boys and girls who competed in badminton. memory Bádminto GOLF Yago Moreiras Crow: 8th [...]