On the occasion of the European Sports Week, Miguel Hernández University will organize 3 days of sports activities and talks to promote healthy lifestyle habits. The activities will be held at the Elche Campus, any interested person is welcome. We wait for you!
We start new quarter in the Directed Activities of the UMH and for that reason we remind you that from April 1 to 5 you can try for free all the classes that are taught in the Sports Palace of Elche, as well as in the Sant Joan Sports Center d’Alacant. We add new classes to [...]
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DATE: October 30. PLACE: Palace of sports UMH *INFORMATION*: This tournament will qualify for the Badminton CADU, depending on the technical regulations of the CADU. REGISTRATION: Individual registration. Any member of the university community PAS, PDI or Students may participate. The registration will be made by completing the form that appears in the following link: REGISTRATION DEADLINE: The same day [...]
Primero inscribirse aquí (si no lo has hecho) Formulario inscripción equipos UMH Pádel: lunes 8 octubre a las 16.00 en las pistas de El Clot. Voley masculino y femenino: jueves 4 de octubre a las 10.00 en el Palau Esports UMH. Fútbol Sala masculino: miércoles 3 de octubre a las 17.00 en la pista exterior 1 junto a [...]
We remind you that the first week of October at the UMH sports pavilion, and also at the San Juan Campus, you can come and try the activities directed for free. You can enter all classes at the time you want, more information here. WE WILL WAIT FOR YOU!
The registration period of the Directed Activities, Bodybuilding and Cardio Program of the First Trimester is now open. Sign up on the https://actividadesdeportivas.umh.es/Login page, and remember that you can access all the activities by paying only one. For the Bodybuilding and Cardio Program enter here. Start moving with us after the summer, we are waiting for you! You can [...]