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The University of Valencia collects the highest number of awards with three trophies out of the four available Last Tuesday, February 14, the Miguel Hernández University of Elche organized the CADU of Frontenis at the facilities of the Juan Ángel Romero Sports City. At around 10:00 a.m., the day began, which was played on three fronton courts [...]
On the occasion of the International Day of University Sports, the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH) has presented this morning the Healthy and Sustainable Oasis that it has installed on its university campuses in Altea (next to the steps of the Zen area); from Elche (next to the roller hockey rink); Sant Joan d’Alacant [...]
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El pasado 21 de febrero se disputó el Trofeo Rector de tenis de mesa en las nuevas mesas instaladas en el Palacio de los Deportes del Campus de Elche. Esta competición se emplea como prueba de selección para conformar el equipo que representará a la UMH en el próximo Campeonato Autonómico Universitario que se celebrará [...]
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Next Sunday, November 21, the Race Against Pancreatic Cancer will be held in Rambla Méndez Núñez, organized by the Brotons Group and promoted by AESPANC and ACAPAN. Join the team of volunteers who will help make the Cities Against Pancreatic Cancer Race possible. In addition to multiple general help tasks for the race (distributing numbers, control [...]
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