Between day 6 and March 7 were performed in Elche and Monforte the Autonomic Championships Tennis and Golf respectively. UMH’s participation has been remarkable, with 5 players in golf and 4 players in tennis. Regarding golf, held entirely on the 6th, it should be noted the perfect management with the help of Alenda Golf, who offered us [...]
¿Are you interested in learning how to create Web pages with Google Sites?. Google Sites is a Google application that allows us to build a website easily and intuitively. Google Sites is a tool that is part of Google Apps, a suite of tools “online” free that facilitate and enhance communication and collaborative work. Google Apps [...]
Live and learn from a professional perspective basic and advanced techniques of inline skating, the introduction to the sports classic and emerging, as well as a guided discovery of the values of healthy workout on skates. The course comprises two modules: -Module 1. Introduction to Skating -Module 2. Track and Street Skating For more info ….. Skating Course Teaching
[ 19 December, 2012; ]
The 16th of December in the DUATCROSS Elche ELX 2012. The basic data of the test you can see on this information. All students interested in working with the organization in exchange for elective credits may contact the personnel manager in the mail competition. This test will also serve as a charity event, as they [...]
The whole info in the following links:
The next day, December 18 is celebrated the second annual Christmas Tournament which pits the University Miguel Hernandez University in Alicante. The winners will face the winners of the University of Alicante in the framework of the Spanish Network of Healthy Universities (REUS). REGISTRATION: Registration is open, compete without previously sending an email to Remember that [...]
On December 1 it will launch a new service for the university community and the rest of society in order to promote physical activity and healthy habits, the new prescription program Physical Activity, complementing our Strength and Cardio Program and the rest of multidisciplinary activities with which our offer has already college sports. All the info [...]
On December 3, at 19h, in the room of the first floor of the Helike building will take place Beginners’ Orienteering Course. Registration is open to all kinds of people, whether or not the UMH, and is free. The course shall, in addition, how can you compete with the university in different competitions and activities developed [...]
We have the program ‘Run the line´, ‘Tier Franjiverde’, ‘Dribble and Feint’, are mostly football programs. In`Run the line’ interviewing athletes of the UMH. There is another program ‘Kordino Group’ called ‘Stones, Peaks and Trails’.