I Edition International Tournament between universities on sustainable mobility

7 October 2021

The project has been promoted by the U-MOB Network and financed by the European LIFE program. This tournament will be developed through the MUV mobile application, which seeks to turn sustainable mobility into a game, making people the true protagonists of sustainability.

To participate, you will have to download the MUV application (www.muvgame.com), available in the IOS and Android store. To play, you just have to move in a sustainable way, either by walking, by bicycle, scooter, public transport, etc … Each of these sustainable trips will award a score depending on the distance and the chosen medium. In this way, the points will be converted into prizes once the winners of the UMH International Sustainable Mobility Tournament are discovered.

With this action, the UMH once again shows its commitment to promoting sustainability among the university community.

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