Contribute as a volunteer in the Elche Triathlon Arenales 113!

23 March 2012

Elche Triathlon VIII – Arenales 113 – NO DRAFTING SERIES – April 22, 2012

Participate as a volunteer in the Elche Triathlon Arenales113! Get 2 elective credits by helping to organize the test.

Contact Jose Antonio Rabasco if you are interested in participating …

For which you sign up you will have to attend coordination talks on Tuesday-Wednesday 17-18 April.

The dates and tasks are:

It all starts around 6:30 pm and ends about 16:30 h, 10 h. in total which are all day.

Saturday 21 April: tasks related to delivery of ridges, approximately 14h to 20h

Sunday April 22: Volunteer tasks specific to the competition, four major areas:

Swimming: assistance in the water (kayakers, jet skis), control outputs, outputschamber assembly.

Cycling: control points of the circuit provisioning

Career: control points of the circuit provisioning

Boxes-meta: wardrobe, postmeta, chips, …

For more event information click here —>Elche triathlon