7th Day CADU League, UMH vs UJI

Most victories in the 7th game of the season CADU

We just have to mourn the losses of the boys Volleyball and Football 11. Received a 3-0 male volleyball team in Valencia, the football team played 11 home and addedthe second straight loss, 3-0.

Other teams that participated in the 7 th day CADU won with comfortable and good game results.

Men’s handball team defeated UJI home with an advantage in the score of 2 goals, 27-29. Consolidating second place in the classification of CADU League with 5 wins and one loss, 2 points of the first classified (AU).

Handball girls reach the final of the League CADU adding one more win, 5 wins and one defeat. In the 7 th day won by difference of 13 goals in a match to thepenultimate classified comfortable, 22-35.

Male football won by goal difference, 4-3. Adding one more victory to a difficult season with 3 wins, 3 losses and a draw so far.

Far superior to its rivals Basketball teams were male, female and female Futsal.

Boys Basketball won by difference of 32 points. Adding 3 wins against 4 losses, falling to half of the league table.

The easiest victory of the day the girls basketball signed by a margin of 72 points. 4 wins 3 losses and give them 11 points leave them mid-table of the classification.

And also won the girls Futsal, with good football and a lot of arrival, 5-1. They arrive at the 7 th day as 3 º classified, standing at the gates of the second.

Here you can see the ratings and results of all teams CADU.
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